Website Members
Eligible as PALES website members
PALES members (PALES Fellow, PALES Associate Member) and MIS Fellows in training of PALES certified Advance MIs fellowship Program are eligible to be members of the PALES website
At present, I am not yet eligible to be a member of PALES but would like to be informed on PALES’ activities or events, webinars and workshop, Basic MIS videos.
You may subscribe ( and you will be notified via email of new or upcoming events of PALES
Website Sign Up / Registration
How do I Sign Up or Register to the PALES Website
Click Log In found in the upper right hand corner of the website.
Click Sign Up
Below the Title of Log In, a message (New to this site? Sign Up) is found.
Sign Up page
a. Key in your email
i. This will be the primary email that PALES will connect and communicate with you (please use your email that you commonly use)
ii. One email per member only
b. Key in your password
*Dont share your password
4. Wait for the Confirmation email of your website Sign UP
I have previously Signed Up to the previous PALES website, do I need to do it again?
YES the previous website (White background) was developed in a different website editor
Log In
How to Log In
Click Log In found in the upper right hand corner of the website.
Log In page
a. Key in your email and
b. Key in your password
Importance and safety of the data that I submit.
All data are stored in a database and your password are encrypted with wix editor x.
Data will appear in your member’s profile, dues and CME and can only be seen by the member (user owner)
Data viewed in Find a Certified Laparoscopic / Endoscopic Surgeon are your Name and Hospital Affiliation.
PRC is for CME use required by PRC
All communication of PALES will use these data base and would not be use for any other purpose.
Profile Update
How to Update my profile
Click down arrow beside your username (Member’s Area Menu will drop down)
Click Profile
Click Update Profile Button
Key In Your Data (those with * are required field)
Click submit
Importance and safety of the data that I submit.
All data are stored in a database and your password are encrypted with wix editor x.
Data will appear in your member’s profile, dues and CME and can only be seen by the member (user owner)
Data viewed in Find a Certified Laparoscopic / Endoscopic Surgeon are your Name and Hospital Affiliation.
PRC is for CME use required by PRC
All communication of PALES will use these data base and would not be use for any other purpose.